Thursday, February 24, 2011

Year of the Rabbit(s)

Happy Year of the Rabbit! All right, it officially started, what, two weeks ago? (I meant to post last week, really I did - but I got snowed under with a flurry of work stuff. Totally valid excuse.) Well, anyway. In honor of the occasion, I've dug up a huge horde of bunny sketches - these cover a range of years, I'm not even sure of the dates, I just went digging through archived scans grabbing bunnies right and left. Most of these were sketched in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden - some are your regular garden-variety average brown bunnies, but I'm pretty sure the fancy varieties were abandoned tame bunnies.

Heads up - Bunny Mob, INCOMING!


Rabbitsbaby bunnyRabbits



spotted rabbitRabbitsRabbits

gray rabbit

gray rabbitfat rabbitgray rabbit


spotted rabbit


And of course there were Lunar New Year festivities! I didn't catch many, but I rambled around Chinatown one weekend looking for lions. I didn't find nearly as many as some years (I think they might have been more active on Thursday, that's when the new year officially started,) but I spotted a few. So, here's the obligatory lion dance photos (such as they are...)

Lion DanceLion DanceLion DanceLion Dance

Lion DanceLion DanceLion DanceLion Dance

Lion DanceLion DanceLion DanceLion Dance

Lion DanceLion DanceLion Dance

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